Starbucks Cafe for two and a half hours. Much pleasantness.
This afternoon I'm feeling especially exhausted and... freezing. I'm sitting right underneath an air-conditioner vent, my hands are so cold it almost hurts to type. This past week, in an attempt to be wise I've been going to sleep before eleven every evening, but this inexplicable exhaustion has yet to abate! Perhaps the high of the first week of school is all that kept me going before, and now, (in my second week of school), I'm experiencing true tiredness? Doesn't sound exactly right, but I've no other hypothesis more reliable. Frustration.
I don't want this excessive tiredness to keep me from doing well in school, in life. I'm trying to remain inspired and excited. I have an ever greater desire to do everything with passion and intent. Jim Eliot said to "live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." I've spent too many dance classes just going through the motions, not trying my hardest.. then I've wondered why my dancing is not improving. In life as in dance, things don't just get better on their own, there is work involved.
-- You guys, I know I'm not saying anything profound, I'm just sharing one of the daily battles I fight.
This semester I'm reminding myself that every day is significant and I'm going to look at it with the perspective of growth and greatness. I want my life to be an earthly representation of who God is, though I know I'll never come close to His perfect goodness. I want people to see Him and not me. I don't want my exhaustion, anxiety, or whatever it is to get in the way of God.
So that's that.. time to go teach a dance class! :)